Perl script: 'authenticate.cgi'


NOTE: This is a cut-down version of the Shibboleth authentication script used for ProQuest's Chadwyck-Healey products. It omits details of how to generate the encrypted parameter used for the secure redirection back into the product, following a successful authentication. It also omits details of how Shibboleth attributes are spoofed when technical support staff need to simulate a login by a particular customer.

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

 #  Shibboleth authentication and redirection script for ProQuest's
 #    Chadwyck-Healey products.
 #  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 #  Script:    /opt/shibboleth/apache2.2/htdocs/secure/authenticate.cgi
 #  Author:    Geoff Leach
 #  Date:      November 2007
 #  Copyright: (c) 2007 ProQuest LLC
 #  This software is available for use, modification and distribution under
 #  the Apache License, Version 2.0, a copy of which may be obtained at:
 #  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 #  This script is invoked via a URL of the form:
 #        product=HCPP&
 #        location=UK&
 #        returnpage=
 #        forward=/search/search.jsp
 #  This will authenticate the user via Shibboleth; then try to match the user
 #    to a customer account in Webtools; and return the user to a page in the
 #    product which will either display an error message, or forward the user
 #    to the page that they were originally attempting to access.
 #  The Shibboleth authentication sequence is performed by the Shibboleth module
 #    that is loaded by Apache 2.2, and the associated 'shibd' daemon, which
 #    place the Shibboleth attributes in environment variables before this
 #    script is invoked.
 #  The job of this script is to match the values in these attributes to a
 #    particular institution's account in the 'Webtools' customer account
 #    database, and then redirect back to a URL in the product which either
 #    logs the user in under this institution's account (if found), or else
 #    displays a suitable error message.
 #  As a special case this script may be invoked with parameter 'testmode=Y'
 #    which causes it to display a page containing diagnostic information from
 #    the Shibboleth authentication.  This page may then be emailed to ProQuest
 #    Technical Support in order to diagnose problems with authentications.
 #  Parameters to this script are:
 #    returnpage         The URL of a page in the product which will process
 #                       the results of the Shibboleth authentication.  This
 #                       page will either display an error message (e.g. that
 #                       the user cannot be matched to any customer account)
 #                       or, after a successful login, will forward the user
 #                       to the original URL that the user was attempting to
 #                       access in the product.
 #                       The 'returnPage' URL will have the following CGI
 #                       parameters appended:
 #                       shibbolethToken     Encrypted value identifying the
 #                                           customer account following a
 #                                           successful authentication.  This
 #                                           needs to be validated to prevent
 #                                           the user bookmarking the return
 #                                           page URL and reusing it in an
 #                                           attempt to bypass authentication.
 #                       shibbolethError     Error message to be displayed
 #                                           if authentication failed.
 #                       shibbolethForward   URL to which the page should
 #                                           forward after validating the
 #                                           'shibbolethToken' parameter.
 #                                           This is the value from any
 #                                           'forward' parameter supplied
 #                                           to this script.
 #    product            Product to which the user is trying to authenticate,
 #                       as the 'product code' in Webtools (ignoring case).
 #                       Knowing which product the user is trying to access may
 #                       help in certain cases where the user matches more than
 #                       one account in Webtools.
 #    location           Location of the product as one of 'UK', 'US' or 'DEV'.
 #                       This determines the Webtools database which is searched
 #                       for a customer account that matches the user's
 #                       Shibboleth attributes.
 #                       If this parameter is omitted then the value will be
 #                       inferred from the 'returnpage' parameter, according to
 #                       whether this specifies a URL '',
 #                       '' or ''
 #    forward            URL that the user was originally trying to access in
 #                       the product, to which the user should be forwarded
 #                       following a successful authentication.
 #    testmode=Y         Add this parameter to display the Shibboleth test page,
 #                       instead of returning the user back to a product.  When
 #                       this option is used the 'returnpage' parameter can be
 #                       omitted.
 #                       The test page displays a diagnostic report of the
 #                       Shibboleth attributes retrieved from the identity
 #                       provider
 use strict;

 use CGI;


 sub main
     #  Obtain the CGI parameters
     my $retpage  = CGI::param( "returnpage" ) || "";
     my $product  = CGI::param( "product" ) || "";
     my $location = CGI::param( "location" ) || "";
     my $forward  = CGI::param( "forward" ) || "";
     my $testmode = CGI::param( "testmode" ) || "";

     #  Convert product and location to uppercase
     $product = uc( $product );
     $location = uc( $location );

     #  Check that the return page has been specified, and is a fully
     #    qualified URL (i.e. beginning 'http://')
     #  (Not required for test mode)
     if ( ! $testmode )
         if ( ! $retpage )
             fatal_error( "Mandatory parameter 'returnpage' is missing" );
         elsif ( $retpage !~ m|^http://|i )
             fatal_error( "Parameter 'returnpage' has an invalid value " .
                          "'$retpage'.  Should be a fully-qualified URL " .
                          "beginning with 'http://'" );

     #  Check that the product code has been specified
     if ( ! $product )
         fatal_error( "Mandatory parameter 'product' is missing" );

     #  Check that the location has been specified, or can be inferred
     #    from the return page URL
     if ( $location eq "" )
         #  Determine location from the form of the return page URL
         if ( $retpage =~ m|^http://[^/]+\.private\.chadwyck\.co\.uk|i )
             $location = "DEV";
         elsif ( $retpage =~ m|^http://[^/]+\.chadwyck\.co\.uk|i )
             $location = "UK";
         elsif ( $retpage =~ m|^http://[^/]+\.chadwyck\.com|i )
             $location = "US";
             fatal_error( "Parameter 'location' has not been specified " .
                          "and the location cannot be determined from the " .
                          "return page URL '$retpage'" );
     elsif ( $location !~ /^(UK|US|DEV)$/ )
         fatal_error( "Parameter 'location' has an invalid value '$location'. " .
                      "Should be one of 'UK', 'US' or 'DEV'." );

     #  Diagnostic report that is generated for test mode
                  "\n" .
                  "Authentication performed at: " . localtime() . "\n" .
                  "\n" .
                  "Parameters supplied to authentication script:\n";
     foreach my $paramname ( sort( CGI::param() ) )
         $report .= "    $paramname = '" . CGI::param( $paramname ) . "'\n";
     $report .= "\n";

     #  Get the user's Shibboleth attributes

     #  Report on which Shibboleth attributes are present
     $report .= "Environment variables containing Shibboleth attributes are:\n";
     foreach my $envvar ( sort keys( %ENV ) )
         my $envvalue = $ENV{ $envvar };
         if ( $envvar =~ /^HTTP_SHIB/ && $envvalue ne "" )
             $report .= "    $envvar = '$envvalue'\n";
     $report .= "\n";

     #  Identity provider
     my $identityprovider = $ENV{ HTTP_SHIB_IDENTITY_PROVIDER };

     $report .= "Identity Provider is: \n" .
                "    $identityprovider\n\n";

     #  Scoped affiliations, e.g. ''
     my @scopedaffiliations = ( );
         my $scopedaffiliation = $ENV{ HTTP_SHIB_EP_AFFILIATION };

         #  Trim leading and trailing spaces and semicolons
         $scopedaffiliation =~ s/^[\s;]+//;
         $scopedaffiliation =~ s/[\s;]+$//;

         #  Split into multiple values at semicolons
         @scopedaffiliations = split( /\s*;\s*/, $scopedaffiliation );

     #  Entitlements
     my @entitlements = ( );
         my $entitlement = $ENV{ HTTP_SHIB_EP_ENTITLEMENT };

         #  Trim leading and trailing spaces and semicolons
         $entitlement =~ s/^[\s;]+//;
         $entitlement =~ s/[\s;]+$//;

         #  Split into multiple values at semicolons
         @entitlements = split( /\s*;\s*/, $entitlement );

     # ==================================================================

     # Details of how attribute spoofing is implemented have been omitted
     # ==================================================================

     my $numaffiliations = scalar( @scopedaffiliations );
     my $numentitlements = scalar( @entitlements );

     $report .= "Obtained $numaffiliations value(s) for " .
                "scoped affiliation: \n    " .
                join( "\n    ", @scopedaffiliations ) . "\n\n";

     $report .= "Obtained $numentitlements value(s) for " .
                "entitlement: \n    " .
                join( "\n    ", @entitlements ) . "\n\n";

     #  Load the details used to map Shibboleth attributes to customer
     #    accounts in the Webtools database at the specified location
     my $mappings = load_mapping_rules( $location );

     #  Find any customer accounts that match the Shibboleth attributes,
     #    based on either the scoped affiliations or the entitlements
     my $matchedcustomers = { };

     foreach my $scopedaffiliation ( @scopedaffiliations )
         #  Split the value into affiliation and scope
         my ( $affiliation, $scope ) = split( /@/, $scopedaffiliation );

         #  Look for a customer matching the affiliation and scope
         find_matching_customer( "affiliation=\"$affiliation\" && " .
                                 $mappings, $matchedcustomers );

     foreach my $entitlement ( @entitlements )
         #  Look for a customer matching the identity provider and entitlement.
         #  This may be a general entitlement that just asserts that the user
         #    is a bona-fide member of an institution, in which case the
         #    rule is not specific to particular products.
         find_matching_customer( "entitlement=\"$entitlement\" && " .
                                 $mappings, $matchedcustomers );

         #  Otherwise, the entitlement is to allow particular users to access
         #    particular products.
         find_matching_customer( "entitlement=\"$entitlement\" && " .
                                 "identityprovider=\"$identityprovider\" && " .
                                 $mappings, $matchedcustomers );

     #  Report on whether the user was matched to any customer accounts
     my $nummatches = scalar( keys %$matchedcustomers );

     if ( $nummatches == 0 )
         $report .= "These Shibboleth attributes do not match any " .
                    "customer accounts in the $location database.\n\n";
     elsif ( $nummatches == 1 )
         $report .= "These Shibboleth attributes match exactly one " .
                    "customer account in the $location database:\n\n";
     elsif ( $nummatches > 1 )
         $report .= "These Shibboleth attributes match $nummatches " .
                    "customer accounts in the $location database:\n\n";

     if ( $nummatches > 0 )
         #  Display details of the matched customer accounts
         foreach my $clientcode ( sort( keys %$matchedcustomers ) )
             my $customer = $matchedcustomers->{ $clientcode };
             my $clientname = $customer->{ NAME };
             my $rulelist = $customer->{ RULELIST };
             my $matchedrules = $customer->{ MATCHEDRULES };
             my $productcodes = $customer->{ PRODUCTS };

             $report .= ( "-" x 72 ) . "\n";
             $report .= "Client code           : $clientcode\n";
             $report .= "Client name           : $clientname\n";
             $report .= "Shibboleth rule list  : $rulelist\n";
             $report .= "Subscribed products   : " .
                        join( ", ", @$productcodes ) . "\n";
             foreach my $rule ( @$matchedrules )
                 $report .= "Matches user via rule : $rule\n";
         $report .= ( "-" x 72 ) . "\n\n";

     #  If the rules matched more than one customer, then discard those
     #    customers who are not subscribed to the requested product.
     if ( $nummatches > 1 )
         foreach my $clientcode ( keys %$matchedcustomers )
             #  Get list of product codes for this customer
             my $productcodes = $matchedcustomers->{ $clientcode }->{ PRODUCTS };

             #  Discard this customer if not subscribed to requested product
             if ( ! grep { uc( $_ ) eq uc( $product ) } @$productcodes )
                 delete( $matchedcustomers->{ $clientcode } );

         #  Update the number of matched customers
         my $oldnummatches = $nummatches;
         $nummatches = scalar( keys %$matchedcustomers );

         #  Report the customers subscribed to the requested product
         $report .= "$nummatches out of $oldnummatches of these customer " .
                    "accounts are subscribed to the '$product' product:\n\n";
         foreach my $clientcode ( sort( keys %$matchedcustomers ) )
             my $clientname = $matchedcustomers->{ $clientcode }->{ NAME };
             $report .= "    $clientcode ($clientname) \n";

     #  Generate the redirection back to the return page with the appropriate
     #    parameters: either specifying the Webtools account that the user has
     #    been authenticated as; or an error message.
     my $redirecturl;

     if ( $nummatches == 1 )
         #  Get the single client code to which the user has been matched
         my $clientcode = ( keys( %$matchedcustomers ) )[ 0 ];

         $report .= "\n\nAUTHENTICATION SUCCEEDED - " .
                    "USER AUTHENTICATED AS: $clientcode\n\n";

         #  Form the authentication token
         my $token = format_authentication_token( $clientcode,
                                                  $product, $location );

         #  Form the return URL for a successful authentication
         $redirecturl = $retpage .
                        "?shibbolethToken=" . CGI::escape( $token ) .
                        "&shibbolethForward=" . CGI::escape( $forward );
     elsif ( $nummatches > 1 )
         #  Form the list of matching customer accounts
         my @customers;

         foreach my $clientcode ( sort keys( %$matchedcustomers ) )
             my $clientname = $matchedcustomers->{ $clientcode }->{ NAME };
             push( @customers, "'$clientcode' ($clientname)" );

         #  Error message for ambiguous mapping
         my $errmsg = "The details obtained from your login cannot be " .
                      "matched to a single ProQuest customer account. " .
                      "The details were ambiguous and matched $nummatches " .
                      "accounts: " . join( ", ", @customers );

         $report .= "\n\nAUTHENTICATION FAILED - " .
                    "ERROR MESSAGE RETURNED TO PRODUCT IS: $errmsg\n\n";

         #  Form the return URL containing this error message
         $redirecturl = $retpage .
                        "?shibbolethError=" . CGI::escape( $errmsg );
         #  Error message for no matching customer
         my $errmsg = "The details obtained from your login cannot be " .
                      "matched to any ProQuest customer account";

         $report .= "\n\nAUTHENTICATION FAILED - " .
                    "ERROR MESSAGE RETURNED TO PRODUCT IS: $errmsg\n\n";

         #  Form the return URL containing this error message
         $redirecturl = $retpage .
                        "?shibbolethError=" . CGI::escape( $errmsg );

     #  In test mode, output the diagnostic page with the report on
     #    what Shibboleth attributes were present and how these matched
     #    against customer accounts.
     if ( $testmode )
         output_test_page( $location, $report );

     #  Redirect to the return page
     print CGI::redirect( $redirecturl );

     exit( 0 );

 #  Given a matching rule containing some combination of attributes, check
 #    whether the 'mappings' hash contains a matching entry and, if so,
 #    copy the matched customer's details to the hash of matched customers.
 sub find_matching_customer
     my ( $rule, $mappings, $matchedcustomers ) = @_;

     #  Look for any matching customer
     $rule = lc( $rule );
     if ( exists( $mappings->{ $rule } ) )
         #  Get the details of the matched customer(s)
         my $customerarray = $mappings->{ lc( $rule ) };

         foreach my $customer ( @$customerarray )
             my $clientcode = $customer->{ CODE };
             my $clientname = $customer->{ NAME };
             my $products = $customer->{ PRODUCTS };
             my $rulelist = $customer->{ RULELIST };

             #  Copy these into the hash of matched customers
             if ( ! exists( $matchedcustomers->{ $clientcode } ) )
                 #  Create the entry for this customer
                 $matchedcustomers->{ $clientcode } =
                         CODE => $clientcode,
                         NAME => $clientname,
                         RULELIST => $rulelist,
                         PRODUCTS => [ @$products ],
                         MATCHEDRULES => [ $rule ]
                 #  The entry for the customer already exists (as a result
                 #    of a successful match on another rule).  Just add the
                 #    current rule to the list for the customer
                 my $matchedrules =
                         $matchedcustomers->{ $clientcode }->{ MATCHEDRULES };
                 push( @$matchedrules, $rule );

 #  Load the information for mapping Shibboleth attributes to customer accounts
 #    in the Webtools customer database (from either the UK, US or Development
 #    server).
 #  The extract of customer information is supplied to this script as a flat
 #    file with four tab-separated fields on each line:
 #      1.  The customer identifier (or 'client code'), e.g. 'ucambridge'
 #      2.  The customer name, e.g. 'University of Cambridge'
 #      3.  The Shibboleth mapping rules for this account, e.g.
 #            'affiliation="member|staff|student|employee" && scope=""'
 #          This is a single long string containing a boolean expression which
 #          can be evaluated against terms extracted from the Shibboleth
 #          attributes (such as scope and affiliation, or entitlement).
 #      4.  The list of products for this customer, as a list of product codes
 #          separated by spaces, e.g. 'COLLECTIONS HCPP NEW_LION WELLESLEY'
 #  Note that the list of products is optional.  This field is only used when
 #    a user matches more than one customer account, in which case this script
 #    will select only the account(s) subscribed to the requested product.
 #  This function returns a 'mappings' hash whose keys are the different
 #    combinations of possible attributes, and whose values are the details of
 #    the corresponding customer(s), e.g.
 #    $mappings{ 'affiliation="member" && scope=""' } =
 #        [
 #             {
 #                 CODE => "ucambridge",
 #                 NAME => "University of Cambridge",
 #                 PRODUCTS => [ "COLLECTIONS", "HCPP", ... ]
 #             }
 #        ]
 #  This mapping is then used to lookup the customer(s) matching a retrieved
 #    attribute value 'eduPersonScopedAffiliation ='
 sub load_mapping_rules
     #  Product location (one of DEV, UK or US)
     my ( $location ) = @_;

     #  Read the file of mappings for this location
     if ( ! open( MAPPINGS, "< Webtools_$location.txt" ) )
         fatal_error( "Cannot open file containing the customer details " .
                      "for the $location server. \n" );

     #  Load the details for each customer account, consisting of the list
     #    of rules to evaluate, and the list of products for the customer
     my $mappings = { };

     while ( my $line = <MAPPINGS> )
         #  Ignore the start and end lines beginning with a hash
         if ( $line =~ /^#/ )

         #  Get the fields from the next line
         chomp( $line );
         my ( $clientcode, $clientname,
              $rules, $products ) = split( /\t/, $line );

         #  Split the rules into a list at the '||' separators
         my @rules = split( /\s*\|\|\s*/, $rules );

         #  Split the product codes at spaces
         my @products = split( /\s+/, $products );

         #  Create a hash containing this customer's details
         my $details = { CODE => $clientcode,
                         NAME => $clientname,
                         RULELIST => $rules,
                         PRODUCTS => [ @products ] };

         #  Expand the rules into their different possible
         #    combinations of attributes
         my @expansions = expand_rules( @rules );

         #  For each rule, create an entry in the mappings hash, to map
         #    the combination of attributes to the customer details
         foreach my $expansion ( @expansions )
             #  Create the array of customers for this rule
             if ( ! exists( $mappings->{ $expansion } ) )
                 $mappings->{ $expansion } = [ ];
             #  Add this customer to the array
             my $arrayref = $mappings->{ $expansion };
             push( @$arrayref, $details );

     close( MAPPINGS );

     return $mappings;

 #  Expand a set of mapping rules into a set of alternatives that are used as
 #    keys in the '%mappings' hash, e.g. the pair of rules:
 #      'scope="|" && affiliation="STAFF|EMPLOYEE"'
 #      'entitlement="http://url/of/contract" && product="PIO|PAO|HCPP"'
 #  is expanded into the list:
 #      'affiliation="staff" && scope=""'
 #      'affiliation="employee" && scope=""'
 #      'affiliation="staff" && scope=""'
 #      'affiliation="employee" && scope=""'
 #      'entitlement="http://url/of/contract" && product="pio"'
 #      'entitlement="http://url/of/contract" && product="pao"'
 #      'entitlement="http://url/of/contract" && product="hcpp"'
 #  The expansion process involves converting the rule into a canonical format:
 #    - Removing leading and trailing spaces, and squeezing embedded spaces
 #      to single spaces.  The '&&' separators are surrounded by single spaces
 #    - Converting names and values to lowercase
 #    - Reordering the components into alphabetical order by name
 #  Thus the process of finding a match for a particular combination of
 #    attribute values is reduced to a lookup in a hash of mappings, instead
 #    of searching through a list of rules and testing each in turn.
 sub expand_rules
     my @rules = @_;

     #  Expand each rule and concatenate the results into a single array
     my @expansions;
     foreach my $rule ( @rules )
         push( @expansions, expand_rule( $rule ) );

     return @expansions;

 #  Expand a single rule
 sub expand_rule
     my ( $rule ) = @_;

     #  Convert the rule to lowercase
     $rule = lc( $rule );

     #  Remove leading and trailing spaces, and squeeze embedded spaces
     $rule =~ s/^\s+//;
     $rule =~ s/\s+$//;
     $rule =~ s/\s+/ /g;

     #  Split the rule into a hash of its components, e.g. the rule:
     #    'scope="|" && affiliation="staff|employee"'
     #  becomes the hash:
     #    {
     #        affiliation => [ "staff", "employee" ],
     #        scope => [ "", "" ]
     #    }
     my $rulehash = { };

     my @components = split( /\s*&&\s*/, $rule );

     foreach my $component ( @components )
         if ( $component =~ /\s*([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*)\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"\s*$/ )
             my $name = $1;
             my $valuelist = $2;
             my @values = split( /\|/, $valuelist );
             $rulehash->{ $name } = [ split( /\|/, $valuelist ) ];
             print STDERR "WARNING - Unrecognised rule '$component' \n";

     #  Expand this hash into all the alternative rules
     my @expanded = expand_rule_hash( $rulehash );
     ### print STDERR "Expanded rule: '$rule' into " .
     ###              scalar( @expanded ) . " items: \n" .
     ###              join( "\n", @expanded ) . "\n";
     return @expanded;

 #  Recursive function to expand a rule provided as a hash
 sub expand_rule_hash
     my ( $rulehash ) = @_;

     #  Extract the first component from the hash
     my @sortednames = sort( keys %$rulehash );
     my $firstname = $sortednames[ 0 ];
     my $firstvalues = $rulehash->{ $firstname };

     #  Expand this into its list of alternatives
     my @firstexpanded;
     foreach my $value ( @$firstvalues )
         push( @firstexpanded, "$firstname=\"$value\"" );

     #  If this was the only component, return these expansions
     if ( @sortednames == 1 )
         return @firstexpanded;

     #  Otherwise, form a hash containing all the remaining components
     my $remainderhash = { };
     for ( my $i = 1; $i < @sortednames; $i ++ )
         my $name = $sortednames[ $i ];
         my $values = $rulehash->{ $name };
         $remainderhash->{ $name } = [ @$values ];

     #  Expand this hash
     my @remainderexpanded = expand_rule_hash( $remainderhash );

     #  Combine the expansions of the first component with the
     #    expansions of the remaining components
     my @expanded;
     foreach my $firstexpansion ( @firstexpanded )
         foreach my $remainderexpansion ( @remainderexpanded )
             push( @expanded, "$firstexpansion && $remainderexpansion" );

     #  Return all the expansions
     return @expanded;

 #  Output an error page for a fatal error that prevents this script from
 #    running.
 #  Such an error only occurs when this script is called incorrectly, such
 #    as the programmer forgetting to include a mandatory parameter, or is
 #    configured incorrectly, such as a required file being missing.
 #  Errors which occur during the authentication process are handle by
 #    returning the user to the product with an error message.
 sub fatal_error
     my ( $errmsg ) = @_;

     print CGI->header( -type => "text/html" );

     my $title = "Shibboleth Authentication Error Page";

     print "<head>\n" .
           "<title>$title</title>\n" .

     print "<body>\n" .

     print "<p><font color=\"red\"><b>$errmsg</b></font></p>\n";

     #  Display the environment variables

     print "<p>Note: environment variables are:</p>\n";

     print "<table>\n";

     foreach my $varname ( sort keys %ENV )
         my $value = $ENV{ $varname };
         print "<tr><td>$varname</td><td>$value</td>\n";

     print "</table>\n";

     print "</body>\n" .

     exit( 0 );

 #  Output the test page containing a diagnostic report of the Shibboleth
 #    authentication and a form to email this to Technical Support.
 #  This needs the HTML template 'test_page_template.html' and an associated
 #    script 'cgi-bin/test_page_send_email.cgi'
 sub output_test_page
     my ( $location, $report ) = @_;

     #  Read the HTML template for the test page
     my $templatefile = "test_page_template.html";
     if ( ! open( TEMPLATE, "< $templatefile" ) )
         fatal_error( "Unable to open the template file '$templatefile' " .
                      "for reading: $!" );

     local $/ = undef;
     my $templatehtml = <TEMPLATE>;
     close( TEMPLATE );

     #  Form the HTML version of the report text
     my $reporthtml = $report;
     #  Convert newlines to <br> tags
     $reporthtml =~ s/\n/\n<br>/sg;
     #  Preserve leading spaces
     $reporthtml =~ s/<br>( +)/ "<br>" . ( " " x length( $1 ) ) /sge;
     #  Convert multiple spaces (used for alignment) into   entities
     $reporthtml =~ s/(  +)/ " " x length( $1 ) /sge;

     #  Form a plain-text version of the report for insertion in a hidden field
     my $reporttext = $report;
     #  Escape ampersands, quotes and newlines as entities
     $reporttext =~ s/&/&/g;
     $reporttext =~ s/"/"/g;
     $reporttext =~ s/\n/

     #  Substitute in the supplied values
     $templatehtml =~ s/XXX_REPORTTEXT_XXX/$reporttext/g;
     $templatehtml =~ s/XXX_REPORTHTML_XXX/$reporthtml/g;
     $templatehtml =~ s/XXX_LOCATION_XXX/$location/g;

     #  Output the test page
     print CGI::header( -type => "text/html" ) . $templatehtml;

     exit( 0 );

 #  Construct the encrypted token that indicates successful authentication
 #    as a particular customer (identified by their 'client code')
 sub format_authentication_token
     my ( $clientcode, $productcode, $location ) = @_;

     my $token = "";

     # ===================================================================

     # Details of how the encrypted token is constructed have been omitted
     # ===================================================================

     return $token;