Use of another organisation's domain in an entity ID - sample letter of permission

This page should be read in conjunction with the federation policy on entityID format.

The following text is for guidance only. Organisation1 (a member of the UK federation) is an organisation registering an entity (IdP or SP) in the UK federation. Organisation1 does not own the domain name domain that appears in the entity ID that they wish to register for this entity. Organisation2 is another organisation that does own the domain name domain, and which is assumed to be registered with UK Companies House although not necessarily a federation member.

In such a case, a letter of permission to use the domain domain in the entity ID must be sent to the UK federation operator by Organisation2, the domain owner. Please note that the letter should be on Organisation2’s letterhead, signed, scanned and emailed to the federation operator.

The signitory must be of sufficient seniority to legally bind the organisation to the domain permission request.

If the outsourcing organisation is registered outwith the UK, please also include the Company, Charity, or 501 status number, along with the authority that has registered the organisation. In the United States, please include the State of registration.

<Name of Organisation2> <Postal address of Organisation2> <Date> UK Federation Operator Jisc Dear Federation Operator, I am writing as a senior officer of <Organisation2> to inform you that we, as owner of the domain name <domain>, grant permission to <Organisation1> to use the domain name <domain> in the entity ID of the following entity, to be registered in the UK federation by <Organisation1>. Details of organisation owning the domain: Organisation name: <Full name of Organisation2> Company Number: <Registration Number from UK Companies House> Member of UK federation: <Yes or No> Name of domain: <domain> Details of organisation registering the entity: Organisation name: <Full name of Organisation1> Contact person: <Name and email address of Organisation1 contact person> Required entity ID: <value of entity ID as agreed with Organisation2> Yours faithfully, <Signature of letter writer> <Name of letter writer> <Job title of letter writer> <Name of Organisation2>