In order to edit this Wiki, you need to contact Steve Glover to get a username and editing password.

After going through the above procedure, go to the login page and after logging in, you should find an extended set of control buttons in the upper righthand corner of the page.

After you have registered and the system recognises you as an editor, you could at least in theory edit practically anything on the Wiki to which you have access. At least initially, it would probably be better if you didn't do that:

  • If this is your first Wiki, and even perhaps if it isn't, please visit the documentation for this Wiki at PmWiki.PmWiki to get a feel for how these things work, and the specific composition rules used by this Wiki engine.
  • Try out any random things you want to try in the ScratchPad page. Steve Glover periodically cleans this page out, so feel free to just add stuff at the top of this to play with the system. While you are in the initial learning stage, particularly if you haven't used a Wiki before, you may find the PmWiki.TextFormattingRules instructions useful to have at hand.
  • When you modify the ScratchPad page, please fill in the Summary and Author fields below. If your username is a WikiWord (for example, TheHoodedClaw) you can subsequently click on that, and edit the page of that name, which you can regard as your own private ScratchPad.
  • Once you have worked on some information you want to move into a more public domain, you have two choices:
    • If you are feeling squeamish, just add your information to the end of the UnsortedSnippets page, preceded by a horizontal rule (---- on a line by itself) and signed with your WikiName?, for example by adding --WikiName? at the end.
    • If you feel you have intuited how this Wiki is organised, put the information wherever you think it belongs.
  • Once you have got to the stage of being really confident, feel free to start creating new pages and addressing the various places where words in the Wiki have "?" after them LikeThis. The "?" is an indication that a WikiWord does not have a definition, so clicking on it will take you to a page that will allow you to create one on the fly.

Please don't be offended if SteveGlover re-edits your information or moves it about. Actually, please don't be offended if anyone does that: it is in the nature of Wikis that other people will build on your work, and in some cases that means reorganising it or moving it around to somewhere new. It is probably a bit rude to do this until you are confident that you understand how things "ought" to be organised, and it is definitely a bit rude to reorganize someone's personal page. It is quite the done thing to add a note to someone's personal page as a way of sending them a message.