Available Services

The following list of services are available through the UK federation. Please note that in most cases these services are licensed and an organisation must make a separate agreement with the service provider to access a particular resource.

The link in Service column is to the resource's login page, while Provider links to the service provider's website. Selecting the link in the Service info page column takes you to further information that we hold about the service, intended for use by home organisation staff setting up access to the service, and including (where available) the attributes used by the service.

You may also find it useful to visit the attribute usage section of the federation website. Here you will find examples of how attributes are used in practice within the federation, along with a table outlining the attributes recognised by a sample of the federation member services.

There is also an RSS feed: New services.

How to add your Service to this list

You must be a member of the UK federation to register a service provider. Instructions for joining are available here.

Once you have registered a service provider, send the following information to the UK federation helpdesk. Please note that this information is not intended to be marketing material about your service -- it will be used by system librarians and IT staff to configure their systems to interoperate with yours. Please include the following in an email Subject line: "UK federation: addition to Available Services page".

  • the name and URL of the organisation providing the service
  • the name of the service
  • the entityID of the SP that provides the service
  • a brief description of the type of service offered, and who the service is intended for.
  • the URL of the log-in page for the service
  • the attributes used by the service
  • the form of WAYFless URL your service uses (if available)
  • if your SP allows logout (or SAML SLO)

Search for Services

A search for more than one word will find service pages that contain all of the words. Use quotation marks to search for a phrase. Also use quotes for text with punctuation or special characters.

Results of search for fmt=Services.Searcher#tabler3 group=Services name=2???-??-??-* count=999 order=$:Sname link=Documents.AvailableServices:
0 pages found out of 253 pages searched.

Federation Members

Here is a complete list of UK federation members.

Log-in logo

A logo is available for use by federation members, to indicate their membership and promote their federation services online. Members are encouraged to display this on their log-in pages to help users identify the right authentication method to use. The logo (logo 2) can be found at: federation log-in logo